Barbara's Blog
Settling the Family Estate Without a Family Feud
“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” — Albert Einstein We grown children will not be able to control the exact experience we encounter when it comes to the passing of our parents. What we can control is how we handle it. My father and mother…
Our Prayer Bowl
I have had a decorative glass bowl in our living room for a long time. It has been an empty vessel for many of these years. It was simply used to grace our home, adding some color to the room. I’m not exactly sure when it happened, but I do know why we began to…
Blessing of a Kitchen
Writing always starts with a desire for knowledge about a subject, and then the need to share it with others. At least that is why I enjoy writing! I chuckle now when I think that my first idea for this blog was to write about the history of kitchens in America. In my research, I…
A Thyme of Thanksgiving
At this wonderful time of Thanksgiving, it’s good to check your pantry and make sure you have all the seasonings you need to spice up these special days together with family and friends. There are so many special herbs and spices that remind me of the Thanksgiving holiday. When I think of the cinnamon and…
Holy Guacamole
A great guacamole recipe was always a bit of a mystery to me until a dear friend Sandy Cohen shared her secret with me. Now I’m going to make your next guacamole a holy experience! INGREDIENTS: 4 ripe Avocado 1 Lime, zest, and juice 1/2 cup white Spanish Onion, chopped fine 1-2 Jalapeños, remove seeds…
A New Kind of New Year’s Resolutions
How many years have we made our resolutions, well-meaning though they may be, only to break them, to forget them, to let them slip away from our minds, or just rebelliously change our minds, to change at all? This year I’ve got a great idea. Why don’t we try making some new kinds of resolutions…
Podcast with Kendall Chamberlain & Barbara Maxwell
I was most honored and pleased this past year when my niece, Kendall Chamberlain, approached me to do an interview. Kendall’s final college Journalism project required her to interview a published author – in this case me. What an honor to be asked, being a first time author. I was thrilled to have this chance…
Ever Changing Ways
Have you thought about how much the ways we communicate have changed over the years? Take for example my husband’s birth in Louisiana, in 1952. His parents living in Miami, would not choose to make a long distance call. Rather they would send a Western Union telegram to announce this event. I value this very…
Heritage of a Recipe
Two of my favorite salad dressing recipes are Sheila’s Best Balsamic Dressing, and Bob’s Salad Dressing. I wondered about Sheila and Bob. Were they the ones who actually created the recipe, or were they the conduit of seeing that the recipe survived until I could discover it? Mike’s Grandmother Edy’s Chocolate Buttercrunch candy recipe, that…
Tower of Stones
Traveling, when we were still able to, we would notice these curious stacked stone towers whenever our visits took us near oceans, rivers, or mountains with their beautiful vistas. I’ve wondered, what are people trying to say when they stack those stones? Are they saying, ” I was here, too”, or “I want to be…
Free Devotionals
If you sign up for my Email Inspiration, I'll send you a couple of devotionals to enjoy. I hope you find them to be an encouragement. If you'd like easy access to a new devotional whenever you need it, consider grabbing a copy of Inspired: Wisdom for a Woman's Walk with Jesus. I created it by compiling 100 devotionals that are specifically designed to walk beside you and support your growth.
And if you need some encouragement, you can always find me on Facebook. I respond to all of my messages personally.

Refined: Be a Woman Changed by Jesus
Preorder your copy of Barbara S. Maxwell's latest devotional, Refined: Be a Woman Changed by Jesus today and receive a devotional designed to share in your journey of being refined and amazed as you grow toward Jesus. Devotions focus on helping each of us learn to:
- Live Without Fear
- Find Belonging
- Thrive in Community
- Use Your Gifts For Others
Inspired: Wisdom for a Woman's Walk with Jesus
In her first devotional, Barbara S. Maxwell offers an uplifting spiritual meditations, crafted with care to encourage a life of love and faith for women today. Inspired is the product of a life spent exploring the beauty and mystery of faith.
- 100 Devotionals
- For Busy Women
- Inspiring Quotes
- Available at all Major Booksellers
Praise for INSPIRED
"Barbara is deep rooted in scripture and puts the word of God into a real life, today situation to help you ponder on the things of God. I look forward to everyday morning Coffee and inspiration from her."
~ Cyndi Myers Real Estate Agent
"The author makes it easy to “walk with our Lord”. Each day brings new insights into the Bible, but more importantly, a gentle nudge to delve into benefits of loving Jesus."
~ Ann S. Dallman
"A perfect gift for any woman to encourage and inspire them. It's nice to have a go-to gift for women of any age, and Inspired is one I recommend." Will N, New Dad & Busy Accountant
~ Will N. new dad & busy accountant
"Light-hearted, biblically rich, and honestly uplifting, this book of devotionals provides daily refreshment perfect for a busy woman. Inspired by Barbara Maxwell is the kind of devotional that helps me wrestle with real life challenges in the light of God's truth. I especially love the modern quotations that are fun to snap to friends or add to my own creative projects - positive quotes I've never heard and light my imagination."
~ Morgan H. business owner
"This devotional is the testimony of a woman who loves and spends time with Jesus every day. The wisdom and hope that comes from this kind of warm, authentic devotion is uplifting and challenges the darkness in life with the truth of scripture. Thank you Barbara for your ministry of love and prayer; this devotional supports me in my own!"
~ Jeane H. Registered Nurse