A New Kind of New Year’s Resolutions
How many years have we made our resolutions, well-meaning though they may be, only to break them, to forget them, to let them slip away from our minds, or just rebelliously change our minds, to change at all?
This year I’ve got a great idea. Why don’t we try making some new kinds of resolutions that might actually last through 2023.
Instead of promising yet again to lose those same pounds as last year, or bulk up the body we’ve always had, why not instead spend some time honoring the body God gave us, and the interesting journey this frame has carried us thus far?
Our bodies were chosen for us. Let’s thank God for the shape we are in. I mean the skin that is the perfect shade for you and me, the hair, that curls or lays straight, the nails, the long or short of them, our unique figures, no one else quite like each one of us! And why not thank God for our very important fat storage places that give us the sustaining energy we need to carry out the loving acts as the beautiful people we are!
Rather than focusing on what might be the lacking in tomorrows world, why not celebrate and honor the accomplishments that we have been able to make to this point? Those hurdles we’ve crossed can be the very motivations and goals that have already given us much maturity. This should be noticed and appreciated right now in this new year.
We have come a long way, and if we want to grow even more, can we stop and take notice, and validate all that we have achieved.
Dreaming is a part of life, and often leaves us focusing on what we haven’t done, or where we need to go next. Why not instead make a list of all the places we have already been, mark these events, and thank God for the adventure our life has given us.
When we remember, it brings all those places back to life for us. We might even have forgotten some really important parts of our journeys, unless we take another look at those snapshots. When we do, we get to travel again down those happy miles with family and friends.
Let’s make 2023 the best year yet, with a new way of looking at, and appreciating God’s blessings on our lives!
Happy New Year!