Welcome Friend!
Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Barbara Maxwell, and I'm glad you're here.
On this website you'll learn about both of my published books of Devotionals. The first is called Inspired: Wisdom for a Woman's Walk with Jesus, and my latest is Refined: Be a Woman Change By Jesus.
You'll also be able to sign up for Free Devotionals sent straight to your inbox to encourage you on your journey in life and faith.
If you need a little more inspiration in your life, check out my Devotions Page, where you can sign up for Free Email Inspiration. And don't hesitate to connect with me around the web, wherever you're most active. You'll find me on Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads for now. I look forward to connecting with you!
Refined: Be a Woman Changed by Jesus
Preorder your copy of Barbara S. Maxwell's latest devotional, Refined: Be a Woman Changed by Jesus today and receive a devotional designed to share in your journey of being refined and amazed as you grow toward Jesus. Devotions focus on helping each of us learn to:
- Live Without Fear
- Find Belonging
- Thrive in Community
- Use Your Gifts For Others
Inspired: Wisdom for a Woman's Walk with Jesus
In her first devotional, Barbara S. Maxwell offers an uplifting spiritual meditations, crafted with care to encourage a life of love and faith for women today. Inspired is the product of a life spent exploring the beauty and mystery of faith.
- 100 Devotionals
- For Busy Women
- Inspiring Quotes
- Available at all Major Booksellers
Praise for INSPIRED
"Barbara is deep rooted in scripture and puts the word of God into a real life, today situation to help you ponder on the things of God. I look forward to everyday morning Coffee and inspiration from her."
~ Cyndi Myers Real Estate Agent
"The author makes it easy to “walk with our Lord”. Each day brings new insights into the Bible, but more importantly, a gentle nudge to delve into benefits of loving Jesus."
~ Ann S. Dallman
"A perfect gift for any woman to encourage and inspire them. It's nice to have a go-to gift for women of any age, and Inspired is one I recommend." Will N, New Dad & Busy Accountant
~ Will N. new dad & busy accountant
"Light-hearted, biblically rich, and honestly uplifting, this book of devotionals provides daily refreshment perfect for a busy woman. Inspired by Barbara Maxwell is the kind of devotional that helps me wrestle with real life challenges in the light of God's truth. I especially love the modern quotations that are fun to snap to friends or add to my own creative projects - positive quotes I've never heard and light my imagination."
~ Morgan H. business owner
"This devotional is the testimony of a woman who loves and spends time with Jesus every day. The wisdom and hope that comes from this kind of warm, authentic devotion is uplifting and challenges the darkness in life with the truth of scripture. Thank you Barbara for your ministry of love and prayer; this devotional supports me in my own!"
~ Jeane H. Registered Nurse

Free Devotionals
If you sign up for my Email Inspiration, I'll send you a couple of devotionals to enjoy. I hope you find them to be an encouragement. If you'd like easy access to a new devotional whenever you need it, consider grabbing a copy of my latest published book, Refined: Be a Woman Changed by Jesus, or my first book Inspired: Wisdom for a Woman's Walk with Jesus. I created each one by compiling 100 devotionals that are specifically designed to walk beside you and support your growth.
And if you need some encouragement, you can always find me on Facebook. I respond to all of my messages personally.
Hi. I'm Barbara Maxwell.
I live surrounded by the beauty of Miromar Lakes, a delightful community on the southwest coast of Florida. Most days are sunny, warm, and filled with friends from around the world.
I count myself blessed to be busy with family, writing, and little ministries of life alongside my husband Mike. In over 46 years together we have encountered high and low times, navigated change, and continue to explore each new season of life together.
Many of those who know me have found me through the daily devotional ministry God prompted me to begin many years ago. My ministry began with simple devotionals, shared with close friends by text and email.
I never anticipated that my daily practice of reflection and prayer would grow into a writing project, and become not one but two published books. Creating devotionals is a daily practice I wouldn't trade for anything. They're my way of opening a slice of my conversation with Jesus to be shared with those He brings to my path.
The word "devotion" at the heart of the word "devotional" seems so appropriate to me. We "devote" ourselves to so many things in the course of the day. My days are so much sweeter when I give my devotion to my Savior first thing. His help flows through to all the following moments of my day. Whether my day is filled with chaos or calm, it has perspective and fellowship that will get me through, directly from devoting those first minutes to meeting with Jesus.
Whether you already have a firm practice of spiritual devotion or not, I invite you to experience a simple, modern devotion with me.
May you find joy for today, peace for the season you are in, and help whenever you need it.