Our Prayer Bowl

I have had a decorative glass bowl in our living room for a long time.  It has been an empty vessel for many of these years.  It was simply used to grace our home, adding some color to the room. I’m not exactly sure when it happened, but I do know why we began to…

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Tower of Stones

Traveling, when we were still able to, we would notice these curious stacked stone towers whenever our visits took us near oceans, rivers, or mountains with their beautiful vistas. I’ve wondered, what are people trying to say when they stack those stones? Are they saying, ” I was here, too”, or “I want to be…

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Finding Your Creativity

Where does creativity begin?  Is it born, or is it bred into us? Do we wake up one morning painting, or do we find it woven into our lives as we mature? My dad had an engineer’s mind and training. Among the eight of us children, I was a little shadow, lurking at the edge…

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